Results for « kemurahan hati » (ind)
kemurahan hati
generosity, unselfishness
     acting generously
04831727-n (1)
kedermawanan, kemurahan hati
generosity, generousness
     the trait of being willing to give your money or time
kedermawanan, dermawan, kemurahan hati
munificence, largess, largesse, magnanimity, openhandedness
     liberality in bestowing gifts; extremely liberal and generous of spirit
04884627-n (1)
kemurahan hati, kemanjaan
self-indulgence, indulgence
     an inability to resist the gratification of whims and desires
01226941-n (12)
kebaikan, kemurahan hati, kelebihan, pertolongan, membantu, bantuan
favor, favour
     an act of gracious kindness
kedermawanan, premi, kemurahan hati, hadiah
bounty, bounteousness
     generosity evidenced by a willingness to give freely
keterbukaan, kemurahan hati
liberality, liberalness
     the trait of being generous in behavior and temperament
kemurahan hati, kemanjaan
indulgence, lenience, leniency
     a disposition to yield to the wishes of someone
04640356-n (6)
kemurahan hati, muhibah
good will, grace, goodwill
     sebuah disposisi untuk kebaikan dan kasih sayang
ganjaran, premi, kemurahan hati, hadiah, bonus
bounty, premium
     [in government] payment or reward (especially from a government) for acts such as catching criminals or killing predatory animals or enlisting in the military


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